Get To Know Us

Top Clothing Store out of Dallas, TX

Established on April 1st, 2021, Serí operates as an alternative, inclusive lifestyle brand for everyone. It is created to transcend the “qualifications” needed to be considered “cool” enough for streetwear; anyone can wear Serí, no matter how you identify. Our goal is to redefine street fashion; happy, playful, vibrant while still true to the radical idea of a street brand. We aim to build a community not of customers but of friends and fans... Learn more

Reliable And Affordable Products

The cultural experiences of the founders along with their artistic prowesses and passion for fashion birthed the brand that is, in honesty, made for everyone hence our coat of arm “Inclusively for you.” Our customer service is also outstanding, as we are always available for questions, inquiries and collaborations.

Make A Statement

We offer a collection of premium products at an affordable cost because cool does not mean trying too hard or breaking the bank. Serí is multicultural like its creators; artists of different backgrounds, influenced greatly by their exploration of the fascinating cultures of the world. From the streets of New York with its vibrance and alertness, to Berlin adorned by vibrant murals, the cosmopolitan city of London, the cultural richness of Be... Learn more


Debit & Credit Cards accepted
Small Business
Street Wear
Alternative Wear